Lea Valley Academy

Part of the EdAct Trust

School Curriculum

We pride ourselves on our innovative curriculum and the excellent progress students make throughout their time at Lea Valley. This is facilitated by the positive learning environment we create via an extensive curriculum, including both academic and vocational courses, the English Baccalaureate and a bespoke approach to learning enhanced by a wealth of opportunities to enrich and support learning across a range of subjects.

Key Stage 3 

Key Stage 3 is completed across a two-year curriculum, allowing for an extended Key Stage 4. During this phase, students will study English, languages, Maths, technologies, art, computing, science, music, PE, humanities and drama. Further details can be viewed here **to come** 

Key Stage 4 

Key Stage 4 begins at the end of Year 8, with students and their families working together with the staff at the academy to decide the best options to study at GCSE. The timetable includes English, Maths, science and core PE with four additional optional subjects. Further details can be viewed here [Link to PDF online – combine the PDFs for each subject for KS4]. **to come**

3A. KS3 Page

3B. KS4 Page 

Across both key stages, students are assessed on their progress and attainment culminating in a progress report at the end of each term, allowing parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress and targets with teachers on a regular basis. Parents and carers are also welcome to come into the academy to meet with staff if there are any problems they would like to discuss in between these events.