Lea Valley Academy

Part of the EdAct Trust


Y7 Transition Introduction Video Sixth Form Introduction Video Culture Day
Black History Month International Women's Day World Poetry Day
Black History Month Movember World Book Day

Welcome to the Lea Valley Academy website  


We are a comprehensive community school who provide a caring, supportive and safe environment for students to learn, grow and develop in. The governors, staff and myself share a passionate commitment to meeting the varied individual needs of all our students, in order to ensure they leave Lea Valley with the best possible academic qualifications. We want them to enjoy every aspect of their learning and we want them to develop as individuals, so that they leave us as confident and socially responsible young people who are well equipped to contribute to society and enjoy success in whichever field they choose for themselves.

 Lea Valley Academy was inspected by Ofsted in October 2022. I am delighted that the inspectors wrote a positive and accurate summary of the strengths of the school and highlighted the excellent progress made over the past three years in particular.

The inspectors have commented that:

  • Pupils are friendly and respectful.
  • They belong to an inclusive school community whose diversity they celebrate.
  • Leaders have created a school culture that is helping pupils to develop into confident young people.
  • Leaders encourage pupils to aspire to great things. They want pupils to succeed. Teachers show commitment to the pupils.
  • Staff have high expectations of pupils. Leaders do not tolerate bullying.  They are safe here.
  • Low- level disruption in lessons is quite rare and leaders do not tolerate it. They have embedded a clear approach to managing behaviour in lessons. Teachers apply this approach with fairness and consistency. Pupils show a commitment to their learning.
  • Leaders have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils. They develop the curriculum through careful consideration of pupils’ interests and needs.
  • Lea Valley Academy is ‘Good’ in every category and for its overall effectiveness.


Lea Valley Academy joined  EdAct in October 2019 , after a difficult period in its history and subsequently,  in January 2020 I joined Lea Valley Academy as Headteacher. Previously I was Deputy headteacher at Edmonton County School, founding school of EdAct . You will read in our October 2022 Ofsted inspection report that all areas of Lea Valley Academy are judged to be ‘Good’ confirming the exceptional progress the school has made in the last three years as part of the Trust.


Like all Enfield schools, we held an open evening in the Autumn whereby visitors were given the opportunity to tour the school in the evening and meet Staff and Students. However, we also offer prospective parents and students the opportunity to visit and tour the school during the school day as we think this provides you with the opportunity to get a feel of how the school is run on a day to day basis.  If this is something you feel would be of interest and beneficial to yourself and would like to find out more about Lea Valley Academy, or should you have any related questions, please contact the school at LVAenquiries@edact.org.uk. where we will be happy to liaise with you and potentially arrange a visit. We would look forward to warmly welcoming you to our school.

Yours sincerely


Mr S J Kinson


Lea Valley Academy



 2022 Ofsted Report for Lea Valley Academy






Welcome to Lea Valley Academy 





All Lea Valley Students will finish at 12:00pm on Friday 19th July.




All Lea Valley Students return to school on Wednesday 4th September.  Year group arrival times below:



 Year Group

 Arrival Time

 Where to go

 Year 7


 Assembly Hall

 Year 8


 Form Time

 Year 9


 Form Time

 Year 10


 Form Time

 Year 11


 Form Time

 Year 12


 6th Form Centre

 Year 13


 Form Time




Please click the link below for the parents/carers update

19.07.24 update for parents/carers 


Please click the image below for the summer newsletter


Click here to see the October 2022 Ofsted Report