Lea Valley Academy

Part of the EdAct Trust

The Student Pledge

At Lea Valley, we strongly believe enrichment activities are key to the development of the whole student, in supporting the curriculum, enhancing achievement and engaging students in the enjoyment of learning. Lea Valley pledge to provide opportunities for all students to:

  • Participate in educational visits.
  • Attend an artistic or sporting event at a major venue.
  • Participate in an event, either sporting or the arts, which require students to perform or assist in production.
  • Work as a team to plan, deliver and evaluate a project from conception through to delivery.
  • Help others through voluntary activities or charity events.
  • Experience a residential trip alongside other peers.

In addition to this, we offer students the chance to partake in a range of extended curriculum activities including lunchtime clubs, afterschool learning, outdoor pursuits, interschool activities and dedicated enrichment weeks. Please see the below extra-curricular timetable for further information.